F*ck That: An Honest Meditation
F*ck That: An Honest Meditation
A meditation that really speaks to most of us.
All it takes is 10 mindful minutes
Andy Puddicombe: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes
Andy Puddicombe is the voice behind the mindfulness app Headspace. Headspace uses simple language and metaphors that helps learning techniques of mindfulness easily understandable.
Intro To Psychology
Intro to Psychology
A collection of videos that include a little bit of everything. This is just the first video if you like it they have about 40 more on all sorts of topics. Enjoy.
Unlocking the Door to Your Authentic Sexual Wellbeing
Unlocking the Door to Your Authentic Sexual Wellbeing
Emily Nagoski, Ph.D. is a rockstar in the Sex Nerd world!
Source: http://www.thedirtynormal.com/
It's Not About The Nail
It's Not About The Nail
Sometimes just being there for someone is more important that pointing out the problem.
Tea and Consent
Tea and Consent
This video has been shared a lot lately but it is a great example of consent. Enjoy!
Why Happy Couples Cheat
Why Happy Couples Cheat
Esther Perel takes a look at why couples in committed relationships have infidelity issues and how to better understand emotional needs.
How to Practice Emotional First Aid
How to Practice Emotional First Aid
Why is it we place more value on our physical selves than our mental health? Guy Winch takes a look at mental health and the importance of learning how to take care of our psychological needs.